Thursday, October 28, 2010

Sneak Peak: Boo in the Shoe

Halloween is just around the corner and LSU is full of fun Halloween traditions like  Zombie Day, Ghost Chase Fun Run, and my personal favorite, Boo in the Shoe (Horse Shoe, of course!)

Boo in the Shoe is an annual event hosted the week before Halloween in Evangeline Hall.  This year, the event is celebrating its' ten year anniversary, which means even more frightening fun for all those in attendance.

The theme is a Haunted Night in New Orleans. The community is pulling out all the stops to celebrate, including a haunted basement, trick or treating, a monster rave with a DJ, and a mystery theater performance.

I was able to get a sneak peak into the halls, and here's what I found...

All residents are welcome, so be sure to check out the festivities TONIGHT! The fun begins with trick or treating at 4:30 PM. Have a fun and safe Halloween!
xoxo--Girl in the Purple Polo

P.S. Look for pics from the event on LSU Res Life's Facebook.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

LSU Res Life Students Tell All: Fall Break

FALL BREAK IS HERE!!!!! I'm so excited to have some much needed relaxation after a rough midterms week! All around campus this week, I heard everyone discussing their plans for a break. I decided what better way to show the excitement on campus, than to go and talk to the students in the halls? Here's a video of what I found......

Have a safe and fun Fall Break!!!!

xoxo-- Girl in the Purple Polo

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Sneak Peak!! LSU Cribs

As the Girl in the Purple Polo, I promised to give you the inside scoop on the happenings around Res Life. And, I've gotta admit, I'm pretty excited about sharing this blog with you.

For the past few months, Res Life has been planning Res Life Cribs, a monthly mini-series. The show will feature some of the coolest rooms on campus, and have the students give a tour of their pad. The footage will then be placed on the LSU ResLife Facebook page for voting. The winning rooms receive a prize pack, and gets the honor of being the Room of the Month!

The first two episodes were filmed last week, and while it's not being launched until next week, I still wanted to give you a sneak peak into a behind the scenes look.

The film crew met early Monday morning to film their first room in Blake and filmed Miller in the afternoon.

Doing some pre-filming early in the morning to make sure the angles are right.

Meeting our showroom "hosts".

Take 1 of greeting (it only took two!) They were fantastic!

Showing off the "living room."

Inside the room for some Q and A's.
"Charging" the ceiling stars!
Now, for our second filming-- Miller!

Having some fun in the lobby ready to film!
And..... ACTION!!!

Filming the "B" roll. Everyone was having fun!

Legal paperwork and releases-- They are stars now!

Greg, a Tour Guide, providing assistance.

Tour Guide Jennifer helped direct the scene.

Currently all of the footage is in the editing stage, but it should be appearing on Facebook some time next week! Be sure to check out the videos and vote for your favorites! Think your room has what it takes to be on LSU Res Life Cribs? Email pics of your room to

xoxo-- Girl in the Purple Polo

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Tips for Surviving Midterms

Midterm week is fast approaching, and the pressure is building. I'm starting to see the stress level among students increase. As a senior, I've been through my fair share of midterms and finals and I'm starting to get the hang of it (It's about time!). Here are my best tips for exam weeks and my favorite study places.

1. Plan Out Your Week-- Have multiple tests in one week or back to back? Take time to sit down and see what needs to be covered. Make a study outline of what you need to accomplish each day. Keep your goals reasonable. If you have a game plan and know what's coming, the load will be more bearable.

2. Cram Over Two Days-- Earlier, I've said not to cram, but if you have no choice, be smart about it.  Start "cramming" two to three days in advance.  If possible, try to at least learn most of the material a day in advance, that way the night before can be focused on the concepts you don't understand.

3. Relax and  Do Something Fun-- I think this is one of the most important rules. If you've been studying all day, every day, take a break! Go outside and throw around the Frisbee, watch a movie, do something enjoyable for a bit. Taking a few hours off might seem crazy, but when you come back you'll be so much more productive.

4. SLEEP-- Since I've been in college, I've only pulled one all-nighter, and it did me no good. Your brain doesn't function without sleep. When you start to get sleepy, don't reach for the Red Bull, allow yourself to have a good night's rest. Having a clear brain during a test will go so much further than those few extra, exhausted, hours studying.

5. Break up your studying-- Studies show that taking breaks every so often will help you learn the material better. After an hour of studying, take a ten to fifteen minute breather-- but make sure you get sure you get back on track.

 6. Give Yourself Time in the Morning-- Wake up a little earlier than normal on the day of a big test (you did follow rule number 4 right?) This way, you will have time to look over your notes one last time, make sure you have the necessary supplies for the day-- LSU ID, scantron, blue book, pencil, etc.. Grab some breakfast from your res hall lobby-- they serve breakfast in most lobbies during midterms and finals! Take a few minutes to relax before leaving for your test, then you'll be relaxed and focused, instead of stressed and rushed.

7. Find Your Study Haven-- Studying is a whole lot better if you are in a comfortable place. Whether it's Club Middleton, the Quad, your bed, or your favorite coffee shop, find the place where you study best. Set up shop and get comfortable-- feel free to move from study spot to study spot. I always find a change of scenery helps. Don't have a favorite study spot? Here's a list of my favorites!

Parade Grounds-- Nothing beats this on a beautiful day!

Evangeline Lobby-- Prestigious and serene, I always feel the wisdom of the ages here!

459 Commons or The 5-- what's better than studying next to an endless supply of delicious food?

Live Oak Lounge-- If you like to study with people around, this is the perfect place!

Acadian Courtyard-- Need your own oasis? Nothing beats the serenity and beauty of this study spot!

xoxo-- Girl in the Purple Polo