Thursday, May 26, 2011

Passing of the Purple Polo

The Girl in the Purple Polo has graduated and moved on (congratulations to her!!!), so the time has come for a new person to take up wearing this revered garment. As a newcomer not just to LSU, but also to Louisiana, I do not yet bleed purple and gold, but after a week on campus, I am beginning to think that I soon will. I hope that you will stick with me as I learn all about LSU and Baton Rouge, because neither is anything like I expected.

It took me three planes, a bus, and two cars to get here. My first impression upon stepping out of the airport: It is HOT in Baton Rouge! As someone from about 1800 miles northeast, I was not prepared for the choking humidity you all have down here! But, putting that aside, the LSU campus is BEAUTIFUL! Every morning I wake up and ask myself how I managed to get here.... two months ago I was trudging through snow and ice, and now I can't stop sweating or smiling.

My first few days were a whirlwind of tours and greetings- People here are so friendly! At first, I had no idea where I was or what I was doing. Now, I still don’t really know what I’m doing, but I think that I can at least navigate around campus without a map. The trick is to just go walk around- get lost and find your way back to where you started. Ask for directions if you need them, but don’t be afraid to just wander around campus for a few hours (make sure to wear sunscreen though, I learned that the hard way). I saw so many cool buildings and places my first weekend, and now I can mostly find my way around.

Here are some of my favorite places so far:

The LSU Student Union- I love that the Union offers so many food choices!
It's a great place to sit down, grab a bite, cool off, and read a good book. The recent renovations are beautiful too.

The Memorial Oak Grove- This space is breathtaking! I love all the shady oak trees.
The Oak Grove is also really close to my res hall, so I've enjoyed sitting out under the trees in the evenings just to relax.

Mike the Tiger- How awesome is it that there is a real tiger living right here on campus?!
Mike has to be my favorite part of LSU so far... and like me, he enjoys a good nap when it gets hot out.

Tiger Stadium- I grew up in Ohio, and absolutely LOVE football. The place where I've spent the last 5 years has a horrible team though (and a tiny stadium), so it is fantastic to be somewhere with such a rich football history.... Geaux Tigers!

These are a few of my favorite places on campus so far...  Now I ask, reader, where are yours?

xoxo-- Girl in the Purple Polo

Friday, May 13, 2011

Who is the Girl in the Purple Polo?

Who is the Girl in the Purple Polo?  The school year is almost over, and for me, my college career is officially drawing to a close. But before I go, I have a question to answer. Before the reveal, I want to thank you for being a part of my most memorable experience at LSU-- Residential Life and this blog. And, for the last time, let me relive some of my experiences as a student.

During my time at LSU, I’ve learned what it means to bleed purple and gold. I recall the first exciting moments viewing the campus, and I’ll forever savor the feeling of finishing my final class. I’ve witnessed three national championships. I’ve screamed my heart out in tiger stadium. I’ve held my breath as Chad Jones pitched in the bottom of an inning. I even cried when at the first loss I witnessed in tiger stadium.
The win bar in the locker room at Tiger Stadium taken during a tour.
I’ve witnessed jubilation and tragedy on this campus.  I’ve seen the nervous, excited anticipation of thousands of prospective students. I too, have felt that same joy and anticipation. I remember my first moment walking into my res hall room, and I remember my last moment hugging my RA and handing my key back in.

The first look at my freshman room in Acadian-- A moment I'll always remember.

My freshman room part way through the semester. Can you tell I love pink?
I’ve felt the winds and utter destruction of hurricane  Gustav, and I saw the unity of an incredible community coming together to help one another. I’ve mourned the loss of my fellow students. I’ve laughed till I couldn’t breathe rolling down the Indian Mounds. I lost some friends, but gained 92,463 new ones. I’ve watched  the demolition of old buildings, and I’ve been the first to walk through the door of new ones.
Students venture out the morning after Gustav. LSU's campus has its own emergency power supply, and served as a hub for the Baton Rouge community. The 459 Commons offered meals, and residents and staff volunteered countless hours.
 I’ve learned to like crawfish, and I have fallen in love with Louisiana’s amazing culture. I’ve danced in the pouring rain, and ventured across Highland River. I’ve watched as my peers performed their talents in concerts, debates, and performances, and I’ve had the unfailing support of my fellow classmates in my endeavors.  I've embraced the chimes of the clock tower, and memorized the words to our alma mater. I’ve failed tests, and crammed papers. I’ve listened to top-notch researchers, and I’ve  presented my own ideas to knowledgeable scholars. I’ve learned, I’ve lived, I’ve grown, I’ve failed, I’ve succeeded, and ultimiately I became the capable, ever-learning graduate I am today.  
A beautiful sunset during my freshman spring invitational-- still one of my favorite views on campus.

So who am I? My name is Jennifer, and I am a soon to be LSU alumna with a bachelor’s degree in Marketing. I am forever in love with LSU football and everything purple and gold. I am from Denver, Colorado, but will always see Baton Rouge as my second home.
But who am I really? It’s not so important. I’m just one of the thousands of black caps and gowns that will be wandering around campus next Friday.  I’m still slightly nervous to enter the real world, but I know  that LSU has prepared me well. I know that  I will forever bleed purple and gold, and that my identity at LSU does not end here. I am one alumna and every alumni.
So what happens next? While I may be graduating, a whole new class of LSU students will enter this fall and embark on their own adventure. I've left my blog in capable hands of the next mystery purple polo, who is sure to bring even more exciting updates, posts and advice.
From here, I want to give one final thank you to LSU, Residential Life, and to every person who has contributed to the best four years of my life.

xoxo-- Girl in the Black Cap and Gown (with a purple polo underneath)

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Best Hang-out Spots-- LSU Residence Halls

Can you believe the semester is almost over? I can't! During this time of year, I'm always looking for a change of scenery and a fun place to hang out or study. The residence halls are packed with great hang out spots, and here's a list of my favorites.

Blake's Floor Common Room: Each floor of Blake Hall has a mini lobby with tables, chairs, couches, and a study room. There's plenty of room to hang out with friends, work on group projects, or do some serious studying.

East Campus Apartments Activity Center: The activity center is the hub for most programs in the apartments.. Kick back and play a game of pool while watching a game on the big screen, or attend one of the many programs held here every semester.

Broussard Aquarium: This awesome hangout in the IT Residential College is filled with plenty of entertainment. From foosball to air hockey-- they have it. It also sits adjacent to a fountain courtyard and has enough seating to hold all of your friends (or study group!)

Miller Sun Deck: Looking for some fun in the sun? Look no further. The Miller Sundeck features awesome outdoor views of the lake. It's the perfect place to catch a few rays with great scenery.

Residential College West's TV Room: With a huge flat screen TV, plenty of couches and tables, the TV room in the RCC are a college student's dream. Whether you're catching up on the latest MTV episode, watching sports, or playing in an Xbox rock band tournament, this is definitely a great hang out spot.

Engineering Residential College Kitchen: While there aren't too many college chefs, those who love cooking will find this place to be their dream kitchen. RCC's newly renovated kitchen features two full cooking stations with two stoves, two ovens, a microwave, and ample counter space.

Your Crib: What better hang out than your own room? It's decorated just the way you like, and filled with your favorite things. So, go ahead--  pop some popcorn, plop on your bed, and invite some friends over (or enjoy some "me" time.) You've only got two weeks left in your space till summer, so enjoy!

While finals (and graduation for some!) are practically here, remember to relax and allow yourself some study breaks and fun time! Check out my study tips for surviving midterms for more tips! If you have some time in the next week or two, find your favorite spots and enjoy them!

xoxo-- Girl in the Purple Polo