Thursday, February 16, 2012

Mardi Gras!!!

 Now, I never knew how important Mardi Gras was until I came down here.  There are all different types of King Cakes, Masks, parades, and beads…tons and tons of beads.  It is such an exciting experience that everyone should enjoy, even the little ones!
This past weekend, West Campus Apartments held their first annual Krewe of Mardi Gras Program.  Parents from the Ed Gay and Nicholson apartments brought their children out on Saturday to do fun festivities to bring in the holiday.
Different types of King Cakes were created. Many different designs and sprinkles made the children very excited to add their own decoration!

 It also made them pretty hungry as well!

Coloring and making masks were also a part of the activities the children did and they were able to add many colors, feathers, and other items to really show off their Mardi Gras spirit!

Lastly, everyone went outside and beads were lightly thrown for the children to really experience the excitement of Mardi Gras, and they were definitely excited!

These children felt on top of the world when they were getting those beads.  It made me feel as if I were a little kid again, enjoying the simple things in life!  

Thursday, February 9, 2012

2012 Tunnel of Oppression

LSU students, faculty, staff, and people of the Baton Rouge Community came to Kirby Smith on Tuesday to experience the Tunnel of Oppression.  More than 100 people journeyed through rooms that included homelessness, body image, cyber bullying, lesbian/gay/transgender issues, human trafficking and sexual abuse.  Instead of just telling why issues are important, different campus organizations acted out the various types of oppression, allowing the viewers to feel as if they were the ones being oppressed.  

Coming up to the 8th floor of Kirby Smith Hall, people were able to see the derogatory names towards all different types of races.  


There were also grave stones of those who died solely because of what they looked like and what they stood for.

For me, it is saddening to know the issues that were shown still exist, however it was so impactful seeing all the people witness this experience.  There are many people who will go on and can be very oblivious to critical issues that are happening in today’s society. 

Sometimes, it takes that one person to challenge someone else and let them know what’s really going on, and I feel that this event did just that.  However by bringing this to the LSU community, the Social Justice Committee was able to put on this impactful event that showed how real these situations are.  

The Social Justice committee puts on events and programs that deal with issues of to sex, gender, sexual orientation/identity, religion, ethnicity, and many others.  This committee shows how certain views, stereotypes, and judgments can impact a resident living on campus.  The Social Justice Committee has been working on this event since the beginning of last semester, because they wanted others to realize how important and realistic these issues are. It was a way for the committee to help residents and all people open their eyes and let them know this could be the story of someone they know, and what we can do to eliminate that.

After going through the Tunnel of Oppression, students wrote on the Wall of Change, pledging what they would do to eliminate the ignorance and negativity many people in this world still have today.

Saying you are diverse is one thing, but taking a chance and stepping outside your comfort zone is another.  There is a difference between tolerance and acceptance and it is important to know that once we stop tolerating one another, and accept each other, we can make this world so much smaller.  It only takes that one person to say something when a negative or derogatory word is thrown out.  It starts with one person having a positive impact on another and what this world could potentially be…Will it be you? I hope so.
To read the Reveille article about the Tunnel of Oppression, please click here:
Want to see more pictures from this event?  Checkout the facebook page!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Healthy Food for the New Year!

It’s that time of year again! A year full of resolutions, goals, and change!  Now many students have been talking about being healthier for the year of 2012.  I wish I was a bigger fan of exercise, but I’m a huge fan of wonderful food!  I decided that in order to stay healthy, it’s important to eat healthy as well.  Now I am not the one to count calories or make sure I have the right amount of food on my plate.  I eat what is tasty, and will keep eating until I’m absolutely full.  However I found a few recipes that seemed very delicious, healthy, and you can stay in your residence hall to make them!  Here are a few of my favorites that I found:

Twice-baked Microwave Potatoes
4 large Russet potatoes
3 green onions, chopped
2 Tbsp. butter or margarine
1/4 c. milk
1/2 tsp. salt
1/4 c. shredded cheese
pepper to taste

Arrange potatoes on a microwavable plate. Pierce potatoes with a fork in several places. Microwave potatoes for 8 minutes, turning them halfway through. Remove potatoes from microwave and let them stand for 8 minutes or until they are cool enough to handle. Meanwhile combine green onions and butter in a microwave-safe bowl, cover and microwave for 1 minute. Cut potatoes in half and scoop insides into mixing bowl. Mash insides with butter and green onion mix, milk, salt and pepper. Spoon mixture back into potato skins, then sprinkle the cheese on top. Microwave for 2 minutes or until cheese is melted.  (

Gaucamole Dip
  • 2 avocados
  • 1 small onion, finely chopped
  • 1 clove garlic, minced
  • 1 ripe tomato, chopped
  • 1 lime, juiced
  • salt and pepper to taste
  1. Peel and mash avocados in a medium serving bowl. Stir in onion, garlic, tomato, lime juice, salt and pepper. Season with remaining lime juice and salt and pepper to taste. Chill for half an hour to blend flavors. (

Chili Dip
  1. Grab some Hormel Chili with no beans, some shredded cheese and a block of cream cheese.
  2. In a microwave safe pan, spread the cream cheese evenly on the bottom. Add the chili on top, evenly once again, and then sprinkle the cheese on top as well.
  3. Cook on high in the microwave for about 5 minutes or until the cheese in the middle of the pan starts bubbling.
  4. Serve with chips. (

Microwave Omelet
3 eggs
2 Tbsp. butter or margarine
cheese,chives or bacon bits for filling
salt and pepper

Whisk 3 eggs together and add filling ingredients. Melt butter in either a 9 in. glass pie pan or a large cereal bowl. Add the egg mixture. Cover with paper towel and cook in microwave approximately 1 1/2 to 2 minutes, stirring halfway through. Let stand 3 minutes before eating. Add salt and pepper to taste. (

The Yummee Yummee Team often makes these for a quick and easy lunch. Tortilla chips on a plate topped with refried beans, shredded cheese, bacon bits, salsa ... In the microwave for a minute or so and then top with fresh diced tomatoes and sour cream. Make them mild or hot and spicy to match your tastebuds. Lunch is ready. Come and get it!  (
Now these are just a few of my favorite dishes that are fun, healthy, and easy to make in the leisure of your own residence hall!  There are plenty of websites that I found very helpful with quick and easy recipes that will help you follow through with your new year’s resolutions!!!  Good luck!