Thursday, December 9, 2010

Fall 2010 Semester in Review

With another semester wrapping up, stress levels are high, and students are anxious to get home. Finals week is coming to an end, and all over campus I can feel the mix of tension and excitement.

I know you guys are busy with finals and packing, but here are some quick tips for leaving the halls.

1. Unplug your mini-fridge at least a day BEFORE you leave (And throw away the food, please!). Make sure to put towels around the base, because they tend to leak. (You are required to unplug the fridge before break.)

2. Don't forget to sell your books back. The stands are all over campus, and often you'll find a book or two that hits the jackpot. It's a great way to earn back a little spending money for Christmas and the holidays. Or, you can trade books with friends to save some money next semester.

3. Enjoy one last visit to the dining hall and invite your friends and family to help you use your extra meals. You'll soon be going home to mom's delicious home-cooking, but I usually find myself missing the unlimited ice cream and pizza.

4. Start compiling a list of everything you need a day or two before you leave (feel free to check it twice for good measure). Once you turn in your key, you won't be allowed back into your room until next semester-- so make sure you pack everything you'll need over the next month. Most forgotten item? Cell phone charger-- put that at the top of your list.

5. Follow your RA's closing instructions. From unplugging your electronics to turning in your key--  make sure you follow your RA's closing information. Not only does it help you leave as quickly as possible when you finish that last final, but also prevents charges and fines that might be incurred.

6. Relax. I've said it all year, but it's true. You will survive finals week. Once you've taken that last final congratulate yourself.  Let yourself enjoy a nice, relaxing, stress-free break-- you've earned it.

Here's a look back at my favorite moments of the semester!

Roaring into the Halls-- Move-in Day!
LSU Football went 10-2 with some amazing games this season!
LSU Res Life Cribs launched this semester-- more episodes are coming in the spring!
Boo in the Shoe celebrated its 10th anniversary.
Homecoming week included a mini Tiger Stadium made completely out of donated cans.
Splatterbeat had a great turn out this year!
C4 band plays in the Pentagon.

A breakfast buffet in Evangeline Hall for finals week.

I too am going home for the break so this will be my last blog I post for the year. I've really enjoyed posting for you, and I'll be back at the start of next semester with new tips, pictures, and Spotlights.

Until next semester,

xoxo-- Girl in the Purple Polo


Thursday, December 2, 2010

Deck the (Res) Halls: Winter on Campus

It's that time of year where classes start winding down, stress levels go up, and the winter spirit is fully embraced on campus.

Snowin' in the South: This RHA sponsored event comes once a year. SEVEN TONS of snow are dumped on the Parade Ground. Students enjoy a snowy winter experience with snowmen, snowball fights, and snow angels. Why not end the night with some nice warm hot chocolate? This year the event has been postponed due to rain, so check here for new dates early next semester.

Candlelight Celebration: This celebration is usually held under the clock tower and celebrates various holiday traditions with dancing, songs, and a few surprise guests. The night ends with candlelight carols and the lighting of the LSU holiday Tree. It has come to be one of my favorite holiday traditions on campus.

Decorate Your Door: Let out your creative side and add some holiday spirit to your floor. Every year, residents help "deck the halls" by decorating their doors and rooms. Some halls even have contests for the best doors. Get out some wrapping paper and scissors and have at it. (Be sure to use approved tape and putty to avoid damages!)

Give Back: This is the time of year to reflect on what you have, and give to others who may not have as much. Donate canned food to the shelters. Fill a shoebox of goods for children overseas. Write letters to the elderly. Bake cookies for your stressed friends. Be creative-- it doesn't have to be much to make others happy. 

Walk Around the Campus Lakes: Take a break from studying and bundle up to take a stroll around the lakes. The Greek houses surrounding the lakes usually go all out with Christmas decorations and it's a good time to ponder all of those Christmas plans and take a break from the stress.

Chancellor's Pancake Breakfast: During the last week of classes each semester, the Chancellor puts on the late night Pancake Breakfast. This event is free to all students, and students can enjoy delicious pancakes served by administrators and have fun coloring with crayons on the paper tablecloths. It's a great break from studying and a long held tradition.

Good luck studying for finals!

xoxo- Girl in the Purple Polo