Tuesday, September 27, 2011

"Is it better to live on the east side of campus or the west side of campus?"

Jacob (Annie Boyd Hall) and John (Herget Hall) boldly agree to be pictured as they rep their residence halls.

         One of LSU ResLife's most frequently asked questions is "Is it better to live on the east side of campus or the west side of campus?" To answer this question, the Purple Polo decided to go straight to the source.

Our Participants Include:

Jacob, a first-year finance student living in Annie Boyd Hall.
John, a first-year pre-pharmacy student living in Herget Hall.
Lauren, a fourth-year marketing student who lived in The Pentagon.
Chris, a First-year agriculture student living in Blake Hall.

Would you use the east and west sides of campus to point out buildings?

Jacob: "Not really. I know where each building is, but I wouldn't say I would identify them by side."

John: "No. I'm familiar with all the buildings on this side of the campus and all the buildings on the other side. If I was giving you directions, I wouldn't tell you to go to the 'west side' of campus because there are easier ways to point locations out."

Lauren: "Only if I got lost. If Tiger Stadium is behind me, I have headed too far east. I need to turn around and head west to get home."

Chris: "Yes."

The Student Union, U-Rec, lakes, and library are located on the east side of campus.

How far do you travel for class?

Jacob: "It's not too far. Annie Boyd Hall is close to most of the places I need to be. Roughly about ten minutes."

John: "I have to drive. My classes are at the Pharmacy building (Himes Hall), so I have to drive about 5 minutes because there is always traffic. If I walked it would take me about 15-20 minutes."

Lauren: "I had to walk about five minutes when I lived in The Pentagon, but it was nothing worth complaining about."

Chris: "I actually am taking one of my classes in Blake Hall. The other classes aren't far. Seven minutes tops."

The west side of campus contains both the Manship School of Mass Communication and Tiger Stadium.
What is your favorite part about living where you live?

Jacob: "I like the atmosphere, everyone is generally pretty cool at Annie Boyd."

John: "People are friendly and considerate. I make new acquaintances every day. The Horseshoe is a big meeting place pretty much."

Lauren: "I loved the common area in the middle of The Pentagon. We would all just hang out there all day. The Indian Mounds are great too. Great place to hang out, and a good study spot. Proximity to Mike (the tiger)  is awesome too. Before my classes I used to see him every morning."

Chris: "Living near the U-Rec is awesome."
Where do you spend most of your time?

Jacob: "I visit the Student Union every day. It is right across the street. I usually grab lunch and meet friends there. I also use the U-Rec pretty regularly. On the other side of campus besides Tiger Stadium and the PMAC, I don't head over there too often."

John: "I visit the U-Rec about once a day, and I hang out in the Student Union and the library when I have to. On the other side of campus, I visit Tiger Stadium and the PMAC pretty frequently. I go to the Indian Mounds pretty regularly during games and while tailgating. Rolling down the Indian Mounds is a tradition. They put up some barriers but everyone still does it."

Lauren: "I visited Tiger Stadium, the PMAC, and the baseball stadium whenever they had games. I visited the Greek Theatre to enjoy some peace and quiet, run along the lakes, and love checking out what Mike is up to. I had a membership to an outside gym, so I never really visited the U-Rec. I used the Student Union when I had to and the library pretty regularly around test time."

Chris:  "The U-Rec for the most part. I lift everyday. I don't really visit the west side of Campus, unless I'm going to a football game."
The Indian Mounds hold a fine tradition of students rolling down the hills with reckless abandon.
What is the best kept secret about living where you live?

Jacob: "Everything is localized. You have the Union, the library, the U-Rec, classrooms, The Faculty Club, all of that in one specialized area."

John:  "The best kept secret on this side of the campus is the lakes. Running along the lakes, hanging out by the lakes, fishing in the lakes, looking for alligators. On the other side of campus, I gotta give a shout out to the Indian Mounds."

Lauren: "The Pentagon is right next to the Indian Mounds, which are awesome. Also, you have a live tiger on your side of the campus. A real live tiger. When he's not asleep, I could watch him for hours."

Chris: "Well, I've mentioned the U-Rec numerous times, but the U-Rec. Indoor pool, Indoor track, rock climbing wall? Not even a contest."    

Mike's Habitat is located on the west side of campus.

Any final words about your side of the campus?

Jacob: "I can't imagine living anywhere else but Annie Boyd. I love it here."

John: "I love Herget but I also love the other side of campus. I don't really view the campus as two different sides. It's all one big community. You come and visit us, we'll come and visit you."

Lauren: "I loved living in the Pentagon. There is fun stuff everywhere at LSU. Enjoy it while you can!"

Chris: "It's all good. Geaux Tigers."