Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Fall Break leaves campus sparsely populated but full of life.

Two students who have decided not to leave campus shoot the breeze.

Student activity on campus was noticeably less busy than usual over Fall Break last week, but res halls were still bustling with students choosing to stay on campus While the Quad and Student Union were eerily quiet, the Purple Polo caught up with students who stayed on campus over the break. Here’s what you missed if you went home…

John watches ESPN on Saturday of the break, while his comrade gets some much needed rest.

John, a first-year student from Herget Hall said, "It's a good weekend to hang out, do laundry, catch up on your schoolwork, catch up on your sleep and watch some football." 
Parking lots were nearly empty on fall break.
The albino squirrel was spotted twice by the Purple Polo during fall break. Regrettably, he was unavailable for comment.

Nick, a senior living in the East Campus Apartments described his fall break experience as, “I stayed in and studied for most of the break, I went downtown on the weekend and had a great time."
Michelle, a sophomore living in Miller Hall expressed a similar story about her break, "I went to the volleyball games on Friday and Saturday, and pretty much just studied for the rest of the weekend."
Kirby Smith Hall was totally deserted with only the desk assistant on the first floor.

While the majority of students left campus and visited their friends and family, students who stayed on campus were able to have fun and rest up for the upcoming week. No matter if it’s during a break or in the middle of session semester, there are always things going on at LSU's residence halls and apartments.

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