Thursday, March 31, 2011

You Know You Geaux To LSU When…..

With so many future students wandering campus for Spring Invitational, I started thinking about all the ways my fellow seniors and I have changed since freshman orientation. I realize we now share many commonalities-- almost as if there are distinguishing characteristics that make us LSU students....So, here we geaux......

You Kneaux You Geaux To LSU When.....

  • Your closet consists of mainly LSU shirts….and you justify keeping them—You worked hard to get that one from the t-shirt toss!
  • You know the Pentagon is not just a government building in D.C.
  • You think eaux is the proper way to spell anything with an "oh" sound.
  • You believe not only that purple and gold geaux together, but that it should be worn as often as possible.
  • A parking spot right in front of your building absolutely makes your day.
  • You laugh at students from other schools who think tailgating is actually meant to be out of a tail gate on a truck.
  • Everyone becomes your best friend at the end of the semester when you have leftover meals to The 459 Commons and The 5 dining halls.
  • You long ago learned the benefits of memorizing your 89- number, and secretly chuckle at those who still have to look at their Tiger Card.
  • You can recite the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd down cheers anytime queued….including in your sleep.
  • You associate lunchtime with the Alma Mater thanks to the clock tower at noon.
  • You actually know the lyrics to the Alma Mater……or not.
  • Free food is never to be underestimated.
  • It seems everyone who plays the piano in Herget Residential College lobby knows the same three songs.
  • You realize that hall bathrooms really aren't that bad….actually they can be kind of convenient.
  • Mom's don't come to college, but somehow the res hall bathrooms are always clean (Hall bathrooms are cleaned twice a day in the res halls, and suite bathrooms are cleaned once a week!)
  • You've realized a 12' by 15' room can actually hold some of the best memories of your life.
  • Despite 12+ years of school "We Delivery" is now an acceptable noun and is a geaux-to for all take out needs.
  • You wouldn't trade your loftable bed for anything—it's like the bunk bed you always wanted, but better.
  • Tigercash on vending machines basically gets you through the night.
  • You understand the meaning of Club Middleton and know it's the coolest place to be during midterms and finals.
  • Flashmob raves seem to be a perfectly normal once-a-semester occurrence in the library.
  • You know that despite mother nature, it's guaranteed to snow at least once a year on the Parade Ground thanks to RHA.
  • Distance becomes measured in how long it takes to walk instead of in terms of miles.
  • You no longer need to use the Memorial Tower and Tiger Stadium to find your way, but if anyone needs directions they are your go-to land marks.
  • You hate when you go home and you actually have to plug your computer in to the Internet…..within two weeks you've convinced your parents to get wireless.
  • Les Miles eating grass seems perfectly normal…..whatever works, right?
  • You find tears in your eyes when saying goodbye to your floor custodian-- you'll miss talking to them every morning. Trust me.
  • Your parents find that you've picked up your old habit of rocking in chairs thanks to the rocking desk chairs in the res halls.
  • You feel you could host your own show on TLC with your creative and budget friendly decorating skills.
  • Speaking of TV shows, you know MTV isn't the only cool Cribs episodes around!
  • Patrick Taylor Hall and CEBA are used interchangeably….and probably always will be.
  • You know you will always and forever bleed purple and gold….and find yourself unsure what this red substance is that biologists talk about.
Have ideas of your own? Comment below and share your LSU defining characteristic!

xoxo-- Girl in the Purple Polo

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Spring on LSU's Campus Residential Life

Spring is officially here, and there's no better time to enjoy LSU's beautiful campus. Turn off your electronics and get outside and enjoy the beautiful weather. There is plenty to do without using energy around the Res Halls.

1. Bike Around the Campus Lakes: The warm weather makes for a perfect bike ride. This ride will take you around the historic houses, city park, and a beautiful lake.

2. Fly a Kite on the Parade Ground: Cuz' you are never too old to fly a kite. Pick up a couple kites at the dollar store, and enjoy an afternoon with friends and some good old fashion fun.

3. Head out for a Picnic on the Levee: Pack up a sandwich and some refillable water bottles (we are being green here,) and a blanket and watch the world go by.

4. Attend an outdoor concert: Whether it's Groovin' on the Grounds (This weekend, March 26, 2011 with One Republic) or C4 in the Pentagon Courtyard, listening to some outdoor music is a great way to unwind. 

5. Join a Pickup Game: The Parade Ground is packed this time of year with students playing ultimate Frisbee, soccer, football, etc-- gather some friends and join in!

6. Spring Cleaning: Take the time to do a deep cleaning of your room. Sweep the floors, clean the windows, wash your sheets, and recycle/give away all the junk that has accumulated over the winter. You'll feel so much better walking into a nice clean room (plus it'll make move-out easier!)

7. Recyclable crafts:  Use your creative energy for something useful. You don't even have to spend money-- there are tons of crafts out there using recycled material, like this forever scarf, or make your own reusable bags.

8 Volunteer: Be it through Volunteer LSU, Habitat for Humanity, your sorority or organization, or just on your own. Volunteering is a great way to kick the stress of school and make a positive difference

9. Capture the Moment: Campus is bursting with beautiful blooming flowers, green trees, and blue skies. If you have a camera (digital, disposable, SLR...anything!) try your artistic talents at photography-- if nothing else, it'll be a great  memento of your time at LSU.

10. Develop a Green Thumb: Get some dirt, seeds, and paint a pot (or use old plastic jugs and paint them.) Place your plant in the window (don't forget to water it) and watch it grow!

11. Geaux to a Baseball Game: Take me out to an LSU game, take me out to the fans, buy me some crawfish and etouffee, I don't care if I never graduate, Let's root root root for the tigers, they (almost) always win this game, for it's one, three, four years, and you're out of the (college) world! (Okay, maybe I shouldn't rush into a songwriting career!)

Have a wonderful weekend, and enjoy the outdoors!

xoxo-- Girl in the Purple Polo

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Tips for Winning UNPLUG

Happy St. Patrick's Day! We're half-way through the UNPLUG energy competition and the entire nation is donning green! So, what better time than now to share some extreme energy saving tips?

I've developed a list of some fool-proof ways to win the UNPLUG energy competition. While many tips are for all parties, some will require only the elite energy conservation competitor.

No-Wash March: While a normal energy-conscious competitor would only wash full loads of laundry, the ultra-competitor can participate in this elite event. College kids only need to wash once a month anyways, right?

The Original StairMaster: No need to hit the gym for this classic. Ditch that modern contraption called the elevator and save energy while burning calories (Spring Break is approaching fast!)

Shorter Showers: Really want to win the competition? Then shower in cold water, or just add on to No-Wash March, and make it No-Shower March...(don't worry if seats beside you in class become vacant, this is a perfectly normal side effect.)

Study Like it's 1869: Use natural light whenever possible, and turn on as few lights as possible when you must. Want an edge on your competition? Get your whole floor to turn off their lights for an entire night (or week)-- use glow sticks from the dollar store for lights.

Slay the Energy Vampires: Did you know that each microwave could pop a bag of popcorn from the energy wasted just by being plugged in? Or that phone chargers are one of the top energy consuming electronics? Slay these silent villains by unplugging appliances, chargers, and electronics when not in use.

Geaux Au Natural: Girls, save both time and energy (literally) by letting your hair do it's own thing. Ditch the flat iron, blow dryers, and curling irons. Embrace your natural beauty and slap on some styling gel, and rock it with confidence.

Be Your Own Heater: Set the thermostat on low and use layers to adjust to varying temperatures. Need the whole room to heat up? Do some jumping jacks and dancing to create your own heat. Want it to cool down? Take one of those above mentioned cold showers. (Like I said, some ideas are for the die hard competitors!)

While some of these were meant to be fun, many of the core ideas are beneficial. It's amazing how much the little things can actually make a big difference when combined! Gotta go slay some energy vampires and unplug the charger!

xoxo-- Girl in the Purple Polo (with a little bit of green!)

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle: Girl in the Purple Polo Goes Green with the Res Halls

This week marks the start of the third annual UNPLUG Energy Competition, where residents compete against other communities to lower their energy consumption the most. The winning community from each category (Res Halls and On-Campus apartments) receives an awesome celebration party, with great food and tons of awesome prizes!

I'm joining in on the effort as well,  so for the month of March my blog will focus on tips, demonstrations, and pics on sustainability!

I've always enjoyed this competition, because it allows me to take a step back and adjust my everyday habits. This year the competition is focusing on finding and doing your D.O.T. (Do One Thing.) The idea is that each person can commit to making one small change, and do that throughout the competition--together all the D.O.T.s form a big impact.

So, to kick everything off, here are a few pictures from UNPLUG!

Students in Free Enterprise (SIFE) talk with students at the UNPLUG kick off in the dining halls.

Students could walk the "green" carpet and bike to power a lamp!

Residents join 32 million others and  pledge their "D.O.T."  online.

This awesome bike used the energy from pedaling to power the lamp on the front.

SIFE students gave residents energy saving tips to win the competition at The 459.

UNPLUG Energy Competition 2011 Do One Thing!

Blake Hall residents enjoyed the pre-kick off  presentation  with free Smoothie King.

RCC residents play trivia to win great prizes like "poppers" and the popular "sticky hands."

2010 West Campus Apartments residents enjoying the prizes from winning UNPLUG last year. 

I'll be back with more tips next week. Until then, check out the UNPLUG website or pledge your own DOT and join in on the fun!

xoxo-- Girl in the Purple Polo