Thursday, March 3, 2011

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle: Girl in the Purple Polo Goes Green with the Res Halls

This week marks the start of the third annual UNPLUG Energy Competition, where residents compete against other communities to lower their energy consumption the most. The winning community from each category (Res Halls and On-Campus apartments) receives an awesome celebration party, with great food and tons of awesome prizes!

I'm joining in on the effort as well,  so for the month of March my blog will focus on tips, demonstrations, and pics on sustainability!

I've always enjoyed this competition, because it allows me to take a step back and adjust my everyday habits. This year the competition is focusing on finding and doing your D.O.T. (Do One Thing.) The idea is that each person can commit to making one small change, and do that throughout the competition--together all the D.O.T.s form a big impact.

So, to kick everything off, here are a few pictures from UNPLUG!

Students in Free Enterprise (SIFE) talk with students at the UNPLUG kick off in the dining halls.

Students could walk the "green" carpet and bike to power a lamp!

Residents join 32 million others and  pledge their "D.O.T."  online.

This awesome bike used the energy from pedaling to power the lamp on the front.

SIFE students gave residents energy saving tips to win the competition at The 459.

UNPLUG Energy Competition 2011 Do One Thing!

Blake Hall residents enjoyed the pre-kick off  presentation  with free Smoothie King.

RCC residents play trivia to win great prizes like "poppers" and the popular "sticky hands."

2010 West Campus Apartments residents enjoying the prizes from winning UNPLUG last year. 

I'll be back with more tips next week. Until then, check out the UNPLUG website or pledge your own DOT and join in on the fun!

xoxo-- Girl in the Purple Polo

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