Thursday, April 7, 2011

Which Residential College are You?

Spending time in so many of the residence halls, I've noticed each building seems to have a distinct personality.  Maybe I'm on a kick to relive my time spent with teen magazines, but I've developed a quiz to help you decide which Residential College you are.  

1. Your ideal night in involves...?
    a. Enjoying a night with your group watching movies and snacking on junk food
    b. A good philosophical debate with your friends about Socrates and Plato's beliefs
    c. A night of gaming with your buddies and testing out the latest technology
    d. Designing a new product that is sure to change the world

2. If you were stranded on an island,and could choose one of the below items, which would it be?
    a. Cell Phone (you can't call for help though)-- you've gotta keep in touch with your friends
    b. Your fully loaded e-reader, that is solar operated, of course
    c. Your gaming computer, completely loaded with every program known to man
    d. Tools-- the Swiss family tree house is nothing compared to your engineering skills

3. When choosing a place to eat with a group, you...
     a. Choose a place with ample seating and something for everyone
     b. Go somewhere of historical or academic significance
     c. Find the most tech-friendly restaurant-- free WiFi, trivia remotes, and ample televisions
    d. Develop an algorithm to compare price, location, and menu options

4. You have $15.00. What are you going to buy?
    a. 3 large pizzas and invite everyone over for a night of board game fun
    b. Tickets to that new exhibit at the museum 
    c. A new memory stick to store this week's documents
    d. The newest book on how to nab a career in your chosen field

5. It's time to pick an elective for next semester. When it comes to scheduling, you...
    a. Look for a truly unique class to take with your friends; you love trying new things
    b. Pick a challenging professor whose notorious for amazing lectures
    c. Look for a technologically-advanced class held in a smart classroom 
    d. Find a hands on class relevant to your major that will allow you to build your resume

6. An ideal program in the lobby of your residence hall is....
    a. An American Idol type talent show or an ice cream social-- anything that let's you meet others
    b. A professor lectureship series on Facebook, or a catered dinner and free admission to a play
    c. A speed texting competition or a Rock Band Warrior Night
    d. A successful guest speaker from your field of interest

RESULTS: Tally up your responses and determine which letter you chose most often. Remember, this quiz is meant for entertainment purposes, and is in no way meant to be indicative of who you are or where you must live. Enjoy!

Mostly A's: You are social! Herget Hall Residential College: You are a social butterfly and love hanging out. You like trying a little bit of everything and love meeting new people. You are looking to get as much as possible out of college and want to try and do and see everything possible.

Herget Hall: Home of our Freshman Residential College, a first-year experience open to residents of all majors!

Mostly B's: You are studious! West Laville Honors House: Whether it's debating with friends, volunteering, or working on a project, you are constantly looking to improve yourself, and know learning is about so much more than just a test. You never settle for a path just because it's easier and want to surround yourself with others just as focused as you.

West Laville Hall: Home to the Honors House--open to Honors College students of all years and majors.
 Mostly C's: You are tech-savvy! Broussard IT Residential College: You are always the first of your friends to try new technology (You were raving about Apple when everyone else thought it was just a fruit.) You love the technological movement the world is experiencing, and can't wait for the next invention. From computers to cell phones, to 3-D technology-- you love it all!

Broussard Hall-- home of the IT Residential College. It's open to freshmen of any major, the only requirement is to bring a laptop.
 Mostly D's: You are Driven!  Residential College One: You are passionate about your future and love your field. You realize your future career can truly be a position where you love what you do. You're looking to gain as much experience as possible, and can't wait to  network and make connections with others interested in your field. Res Life currently has discipline-based residential colleges for Business, Engineering, Science, Agriculture, and Mass Communication.

RCC West-- Home to the Business Residential College and open to Business Freshman.

Hope you  had fun, but I'm not so sure Teen magazine writing is in my future-- I think I'll stick to blogging :-D. As always, feel free to email me questions, comments, or ideas at

xoxo-- Girl in the Purple Polo

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