Wednesday, September 1, 2010

DO This NOT That Res Hall Style

I’ve already caught my first cold of the school year. Living in a new place means exposure to all sorts of new things—including viruses. I’ve made a list of how to stay healthy—Residence Hall Style.
DO Use Antibacterial Soap—NOT just water
I always carry antibacterial gel. You should, too. It makes it easy to wash my hands anywhere despite my schedule. Most of the Res Halls have Purell stations, use them often.
DO use your drinking fountain, NOT the Herget Ice Cream Vending Machine
As cool as the Herget ice cream machine is, water is even cooler. (Well maybe not actual temperature, but you get the idea.) It is soooo good for you, and it’s FREE.  Need to add a little flavor? Try powder packs or get a water filter pitcher for your mini fridge.  Be Green by using refillable water bottles.
DO make extra trips to the salad and fruit bar, NOT the dessert bar
I know the cookies are awesome in the dining hall, but one trip is really enough. Focus on more fruits and veggies.  They are filled with amazing antioxidants like Vitamin C, Vitamin E, and Beta Carotene—all which help you stay healthy. The more colors you incorporate the better.

DO get some ZZZZZZ’s, NOT F’s
Getting enough sleep is the best way to stay healthy. When you are sleep deprived, your whole body functions less efficiently.  Cramming for a test? Trust me, a clear brain and sleep do better than an all-nighter. 
If all else fails and you do happen to get sick….
DO stock up on essentials BEFORE, NOT after you’re stranded in bed
Keep Ibuprofen, cold and flu medicine, and some Pepto-Bismol on hand at all times.  Ice packs, band-aids, and Neosporin are always wise to keep around, too. Most of these can be found at Outtakes, The 5, and the Student Health Center on campus. It’s much easier getting these items when you’re feeling well.
DO make an appointment with the Student Health Center, NOT just show up
Chances are, you aren’t the only sick person on campus. Save yourself a lot of hassle and call ahead to make an appointment. Are you very sick and there aren’t appointments until next week? Ask about seeing the triage nurse, who takes very sick walk-ins. To make an appointment, call 225-578-6716.
DO stay in bed, DO NOT be that person
Know your limits. If you are contagious or just too sick—stay home. Nobody appreciates that person in the back of class coughing and sneezing. Your body will thank you and so will your healthy classmates. Check your syllabus and email your prof to see what you missed. (***This many not apply to exams—check your profs policy before you skip a test***)

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