Thursday, September 30, 2010

Girl In the Purple Jersey (And Rain Jacket) Does GameDay

Fall time at LSU means one thing...LSU FOOTBALL. It is also a time when living on campus is  sooooo convenient-- no traffic, no parking woes, and no searching for a place to nap between tailgates and rain. Join me as I recount my Game Day experience.....

Saturday, September 25, 2010 LSU vs. West Virgina

9:00 AM-- Wake up to the sound of tailgaters playing Eye of the Tiger outside. Not quite ready to get up. Roll over, and go back to sleep.

10:00 AM-- Wake up. Fix a bowl of cereal as I observe tailgaters sporting their purple and gold outside my window.

10:45 AM-- Throw on my Purple Jersey (A polo would have been acceptable also!)

11:00 AM-- Print out my student ticket in the free computer lab

Free printing! All I have to do is supply the paper!

Logging on to the lab computer to check scores and weather conditions.

11:15 PM-- Head out to go find some tailgates

Checking out the tailgates on the Parade Grounds.

Nothing like LSU on Game Day!
While walking around campus, I ran into the two infamous LSU poodles.

More Tailgates :-D

2:00 PM-- Looks like it's going to rain, so I head over to the Union and grab a bite to eat

Live Oak Lounge packed with students and fans watching the Alabama vs. Arkansas game on the huge projector screens.
3:30 PM-- Walk to Mike's Cage and Tiger One village

Waiting for the team to walk down Victory Hill

Tiger One Village with a live band and great food!!

Looking for Mike-- he must have been in his trailer ready for the game.

 5:00 PM-- Line up at the student gates so I can get a really good seat!

5:15 PM-- Student gates open (Let the craziness begin!)

Waiting in line to have my ticket scanned.
5:30-- Found my seat....just under three hours until kick off-- sigh

Me, staking my claim with the other early birds-- LSU students are crazy!

Passing the time, as I wait for the team to arrive.

Finally some action! Les Miles on the field being interviewed, Tiger Stadium still virtually empty (except for the student section of course!)

Beautiful Rainbow-- and the last remnants of rain for the night-- Chance of Rain in Tiger Stadium? ZERO!

7:30 PM-- Pregame festivities begin!!!!

Golden Band from Tigerland Takes the field in a packed Tiger Stadium.

Overhead view of the band on the Megatron.
8:15-- KICKOFF!!!! Ladies and Gentlemen, it's SATURDAY NIGHT IN DEATH VALLEY!
Cheerleaders, Band, and Golden Girls welcome the Fighting Tigers to the field.

The student section is packed with eager fans.
11:30-- LSU 20, West Virginia 14-- VICTORY FOR LSU!!!!!!

11:45-- WALK home to my room with thousands of cheering students.

Midnight-- Home, sweet home

Saturday Night was another AMAZING Game Day! Can't wait to do it again this weekend against Tennessee. Remember, the game is at 2:30 PM and will  broadcast on CBS. GEAUX TIGERS!!

xoxo-- Girl in the Purple Polo (errr... jersey!)

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