Monday, August 30, 2010

Ten Things I Wish I Knew As a Freshman

It’s back to school time, and that means it’s my first week as an official LSU senior. Here’s what I’ve learned along the way… Freshmen, take note.

1. Get as Involved as Possible from Day One— You’re new here and so is everyone else. Now is the time to meet as many people as possible. Everyone is looking for new friends, so don’t be shy.

2. RELAX—Seriously, Don’t Stress—Between using Moodle, scheduling computer tests, finding food, doing laundry, and staying sane, it can be stressful! Just relax. Everything will be ok. Take a deep breath and handle each task one at a time.

3. Wash Your Clothes Saturday Morning, not Sunday Night—Trust me on this one. Saturday morning not your thing? Check out and look for times when the laundry room is empty.

4. Get Ahead and Stay Ahead—Every prof says this, and they’re right. Keeping up with the material is easier than cramming the night before. Your grades will thank you. (And so will your parents.)

5. Be Honest and Open with Your Roommate— Music too loud? Dirty clothes taking over the room? Don’t be afraid to speak up. Be honest, but polite. The more open communication you have the smoother it’ll be. It goes two ways—listen to their concerns as well.

6. Use the Online Companion Website for Your Textbook - Most textbooks have an interactive online site with quizzes, practice problems and more. Use this! You’d be surprised how often the sample questions on the website appear on actual tests.

7. Always Carry an Umbrella—Enough said.

8. Use Your Resources - Free scantrons and blue books in the Student Government office in the Student Union. Free fitness classes and evaluations at the UREC. Free printing with your own paper in the Res Hall computer labs. Use these. You’ll save time and money.

9. Be Open to New Experiences—Sit with the Maravich Maniacs at a basketball game; Hit up the RHA Crawfish Boil; Make a snow angel at Snowin’ in the South; Go to Salsa Night with the Ballroom Dancing Club. LSU always has something going on, so be ready to try a little bit of everything.

10. Enjoy Every Single Moment—It may seem hard to fathom now, but graduation comes too quickly. You’ll always remember your time at LSU, so make the most of it every day. Carpe Diem!!

What do you think? Did I miss something? Tell me your advice below.

XOXO - Girl in the Purple Polo

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