Thursday, September 30, 2010

Girl In the Purple Jersey (And Rain Jacket) Does GameDay

Fall time at LSU means one thing...LSU FOOTBALL. It is also a time when living on campus is  sooooo convenient-- no traffic, no parking woes, and no searching for a place to nap between tailgates and rain. Join me as I recount my Game Day experience.....

Saturday, September 25, 2010 LSU vs. West Virgina

9:00 AM-- Wake up to the sound of tailgaters playing Eye of the Tiger outside. Not quite ready to get up. Roll over, and go back to sleep.

10:00 AM-- Wake up. Fix a bowl of cereal as I observe tailgaters sporting their purple and gold outside my window.

10:45 AM-- Throw on my Purple Jersey (A polo would have been acceptable also!)

11:00 AM-- Print out my student ticket in the free computer lab

Free printing! All I have to do is supply the paper!

Logging on to the lab computer to check scores and weather conditions.

11:15 PM-- Head out to go find some tailgates

Checking out the tailgates on the Parade Grounds.

Nothing like LSU on Game Day!
While walking around campus, I ran into the two infamous LSU poodles.

More Tailgates :-D

2:00 PM-- Looks like it's going to rain, so I head over to the Union and grab a bite to eat

Live Oak Lounge packed with students and fans watching the Alabama vs. Arkansas game on the huge projector screens.
3:30 PM-- Walk to Mike's Cage and Tiger One village

Waiting for the team to walk down Victory Hill

Tiger One Village with a live band and great food!!

Looking for Mike-- he must have been in his trailer ready for the game.

 5:00 PM-- Line up at the student gates so I can get a really good seat!

5:15 PM-- Student gates open (Let the craziness begin!)

Waiting in line to have my ticket scanned.
5:30-- Found my seat....just under three hours until kick off-- sigh

Me, staking my claim with the other early birds-- LSU students are crazy!

Passing the time, as I wait for the team to arrive.

Finally some action! Les Miles on the field being interviewed, Tiger Stadium still virtually empty (except for the student section of course!)

Beautiful Rainbow-- and the last remnants of rain for the night-- Chance of Rain in Tiger Stadium? ZERO!

7:30 PM-- Pregame festivities begin!!!!

Golden Band from Tigerland Takes the field in a packed Tiger Stadium.

Overhead view of the band on the Megatron.
8:15-- KICKOFF!!!! Ladies and Gentlemen, it's SATURDAY NIGHT IN DEATH VALLEY!
Cheerleaders, Band, and Golden Girls welcome the Fighting Tigers to the field.

The student section is packed with eager fans.
11:30-- LSU 20, West Virginia 14-- VICTORY FOR LSU!!!!!!

11:45-- WALK home to my room with thousands of cheering students.

Midnight-- Home, sweet home

Saturday Night was another AMAZING Game Day! Can't wait to do it again this weekend against Tennessee. Remember, the game is at 2:30 PM and will  broadcast on CBS. GEAUX TIGERS!!

xoxo-- Girl in the Purple Polo (errr... jersey!)

Thursday, September 23, 2010


 School is starting to really pick up, and I am feeling loaded with homework , tests, and projects. I think it's time for a little fun. With fall classes picking up, residence hall tours are now in full force. The residence hall tours have always been one of my favorite things on campus. I vividly remember the excitement and lasting effect of my first tour-- and since have enjoyed being involved with the tour program.

Tour Guides waiting outside of Grace King
Our tour guides are great—and seem to know the answer to virtually every question. I decided to sit down with them, ask a few questions (some serious, some totally random), and at the end, try stumping them with a riddle. Read along and see if you can solve the riddles too!

Greg, Senior, Psychology

Where have you lived? West Laville Hall, Res College West, and ECA
Favorite thing about doing tours: It's different everyday.
Favorite Place on Campus: The sidewalk under the trees on Tower Drive
What Channel is MTVU on campus cable? I think it's 72.
If you could make a Residential College theme, what would it be?  College of Culinary Arts
What is the MOST random question you have been asked? Is that where the maids live?
How would I go about getting a Residence Hall named after me? Donate a lot of money, like a lot, a lot of money.
What's the meaning of Res"Life"? What?!?!? That's what it means, Residential Life.
What always runs, but never walks, often murmurs, never talks, has a mouth, but never eats, has a bed, but never sleeps? A RIVER

Jennifer, Junior, Communication Studies

Where have you lived? Herget Residential College
Favorite thing about doing tours? Getting to meet different people
Favorite Place on Campus? Tiger Stadium
What Channel is The Weather Channel on campus cable? I have no idea, I never watch the weather channel.
If you could make an Residential College theme, what would it be?  Purple and Gold Hall-- everything is purple and gold and all the events revolve around LSU.
What is the Most random question you've been asked? Which hall has an entryway with a foyer to hang a beaded curtain?
Why are all of the rooms rectangular instead of a circle? We can maximize our room space, and fit more rooms for all the students.
A man has five children, half of them are sons, how can this be? ALL OF THEM ARE SONS

Nick, Junior, Biology

Where have you lived? East Laville Hall
Favorite thing about doing tours? Being able to talk to different people from all different areas and what they are interested in and their majors
Favorite Place on Campus? Tiger Stadium
What Channel is TigerTV on campus cable? I think it is 76.
If you could make any Residential College theme, what would it be?  I would make a movie themed Residential College where we'd watch movies all the time!
What is the most random question you have been asked? Can you bring Ziploc bags and take food from the dining hall?
Why are all the rooms rectangular, and not round? You can fit more room, and it's hard to fit furniture in a circle room.
What is the beginning of eternity, the end of time and space, the beginning of every end, and the end of every place? THE LETTER E


Claire, Junior, Chemical Engineering

Where have you lived? Miller Hall
Favorite thing about doing tours? Meeting all the incoming freshmen when they are new, and putting them at ease about coming to LSU.
Favorite Place on Campus? My sorority house, Delta Gamma
What Channel is The History Channel on campus cable? I have no clue. Am I supposed to know this?
If you could make an Residential College theme, what would it be? Baking, we could bake treats everyday!
What is the Most random question you have been asked? Every. Single. Measurement. Of. Every. Single. Room.
The more you have of it, the less you see. What is it? DARKNESS!!

That was fun! I hope you enjoyed reading about a couple of our great tour guides. If you are interested in taking a tour of the residence halls, tours are offered Monday through Friday (when the University is open) at 1:30 and 3:00 p.m.  The tours leave out of Grace King Hall, and no reservations are required. If you haven't already come on one-- join us! It was my favorite part of my visit to LSU.

Well, since I'm sure you guys are all getting a little stressed, I'm going to leave you with some fun of your own. Here's some riddles for you-- see if you can figure them out. I'll reveal the answers in a few days.

I arrive once in every second, once in every minute, and once in every year. What am I??


How could a cowboy ride into town on Friday. Stay two consecutive days, and leave on Friday??


What English word has three consecutive double letters?


A know a word of letters three. Add two and fewer there will be. What word am I?


I am a building, but a poem too. I like science, but love horseshoe! Which building am I?


Gotta go study! Good luck with the brainteasers-- add some of your own!

XOXO-- Girl in the Purple Polo

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Bon Appetit: Microwave Cooking

One of my favorite things is food. While LSU Dining has FANTASTIC food selection, sometimes there are just times when you don’t want to leave your room. Girl in the Purple Polo to the rescue! These easy recipes only need a microwave, so you can stay in your bunny pajamas and cook in your room.        
Before we get started, let me go over some basic cooking safety:
  •  Pay attention while cooking. Don’t leave cooking food unattended.
  • Clean up immediately after. Put unused food in sealed containers.
  • Make sure to refrigerate perishable foods and dispose of expired or spoiled goods.
  • Microwaves and coffee pots with auto shut offs are the only cooking appliances allowed in the res halls. Check your Handbook for more details on all the rules.
Okay, now the ground rules are covered, let’s get on to the fun stuff.  Let's get cooking!

BREAKFAST IN A MUG:    I always seem to be running late in the morning and don’t have time to enjoy a full breakfast at the dining hall. This recipe is easy to make, and will give you a breakfast full of protein. Enjoy with a glass of OJ.
Total Time: 10 minutes      Yield: One Mug full of great energy
·         1 tbsp butter                                     
·         1 tbsp milk or water
·         1-2 eggs
·         1 dash of salt and pepper
·         Shredded cheese
·         Bacon Bits (optional)
Preparation & Cooking Instructions:
1.      Place butter in 12-oz. microwave-safe mug or small bowl and microwave on high until melted (30-45 seconds)
2.      Add egg(s), milk, salt and pepper. Stir or whip with a fork.
3.      Microwave on high for about 35 to 45 seconds (if using two eggs microwave for 1 min. 15 to 1 min. 45) until eggs begin to set. Stir half way through with a fork to break apart. Remove when eggs are still soft and moist.
4.      Add shredded cheese and bacon bits as desired and let stand for two minutes. Eggs should firm up, and Viola! Breakfast in a Mug!     

QUESIDILLAS:   These have been a favorite of mine since I was little. They are great for a quick snack, or wrap them in aluminum foil and pack them in your bag for a hot lunch later.
Total Time: 4 minutes Yield: 1 Quesadilla per tortilla     Ingredients:        Pack of Tortillas (whole grain will keep you full longer)      Shredded Cheese                  Precooked chicken,  bacon, or steak (optional)                  Salsa
Preparation and Cooking Instruction
1.      Thoroughly cover tortilla with shredded cheese
2.      Microwave for 30 seconds on High or until cheese is melted
3.      Remove from microwave and fold in half
4.      After tortilla cools slice into triangles and spoon some salsa on each piece
EASY PIZZA:  Okay, sometimes you just can’t beat pizza. This recipe might bring you back to 1st grade cooking days, but hey—it’s tried and true.  Plus it’s an excellent source of calcium and whole grains.
Total Time: 7 Minutes Yield: As much as you like! Each English muffin makes 2 mini pizzas    Ingredients:
·         Pack of English Muffins
·          1 Tbsp. Marinara Sauce
·         Shredded Cheese
·         Any toppings desired (pepperoni, ham, pine apple, bacon)      Preparation and Cooking Instructions:
1. Split English muffins
2. Top each English muffin half with 1 Tbsp. sauce and handful of shredded cheese (plus any desired toppings)
3. Place on microwave-safe plate; microwave each muffin half on HIGH 10 to 15 seconds or until cheese is melted
4. Remove Pizza with care—can be hot—let set for 1 minute.

Thursday, September 9, 2010


“It’s (LSU) a large university, but it can seem so small.” Devin Dabney

Devin Dabney, a computer analyst for LSU Residential Life can attribute many aspects of his life—including his career and wife - to being a part of the inaugural class of the Herget Residential College (Did you know it was the first ever co-ed hall at LSU?)

Try to keep up with this…..

Devin lived in McVoy Hall for a summer program the summer before his freshman year. There, he met a group of friends who all lived on the same floor in Herget together. In Herget, he roomed with one of his high school friends, who went on a date with a girl from the floor above them. Three years later, that same girl was Devin’s RA in the East Campus Apartments. Now she is his wife.

Back track to that same year, Devin came to know Monique, his Residence Life Coordinator (RLC). When Devin wanted to change his major to ISDS (Information Systems Decisions Sciences) he went to talk with Monique, who now worked with Res Life IT. She found a job for him working for the LSU ResLife Help Desk, which she oversaw. When he graduated, Devin took her position when Monique was promoted.

Is your head spinning? Mine is.....Here’s a handy little chart to help you figure it out....
I was able to find Devin in his office in Grace King and talk to him about life when he was a college student. Here's a recall of our conversation....

Can you give a brief introduction of yourself and what you do for Residential Life?
I am a computer analyst-- one of two in the department. I am the webmaster and work on door access and security. I also manage the Help Desk. The Help Desk is tech support for on-campus residents who need help with their Internet, viruses, and spyware.

You have been involved with the residence halls since you were a student. Where did you stay on campus?
I stayed in McVoy hall for a summer program the summer before my freshman year. I stayed in Herget Freshman Residential college my freshman year—it was the first ever co-ed place on campus and the first residential college. I then stayed in Highland and ECA.

What are some of your favorite memories?
Hanging out with friends. Always having someone to study with.

Why do you think it’s beneficial to live in the Residence Halls?
The support system—in Herget my Chemistry professor held office hours. There were tutors and mentors. Someone was always accessible.

What surprised you most about coming to LSU?
I learned it’s a large university, but it can seem so small.

What are the future plans for IT?
A new platform for the website. We want to integrate social media and be more involved with students.

Thank you for your time. Any advice for students?
Enjoy the time while you have it—it goes by fast.

For Devin, it all started in Herget Residential College, where will/did it start for you?

XOXO-- Girl in the Purple Polo

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

DO This NOT That Res Hall Style

I’ve already caught my first cold of the school year. Living in a new place means exposure to all sorts of new things—including viruses. I’ve made a list of how to stay healthy—Residence Hall Style.
DO Use Antibacterial Soap—NOT just water
I always carry antibacterial gel. You should, too. It makes it easy to wash my hands anywhere despite my schedule. Most of the Res Halls have Purell stations, use them often.
DO use your drinking fountain, NOT the Herget Ice Cream Vending Machine
As cool as the Herget ice cream machine is, water is even cooler. (Well maybe not actual temperature, but you get the idea.) It is soooo good for you, and it’s FREE.  Need to add a little flavor? Try powder packs or get a water filter pitcher for your mini fridge.  Be Green by using refillable water bottles.
DO make extra trips to the salad and fruit bar, NOT the dessert bar
I know the cookies are awesome in the dining hall, but one trip is really enough. Focus on more fruits and veggies.  They are filled with amazing antioxidants like Vitamin C, Vitamin E, and Beta Carotene—all which help you stay healthy. The more colors you incorporate the better.

DO get some ZZZZZZ’s, NOT F’s
Getting enough sleep is the best way to stay healthy. When you are sleep deprived, your whole body functions less efficiently.  Cramming for a test? Trust me, a clear brain and sleep do better than an all-nighter. 
If all else fails and you do happen to get sick….
DO stock up on essentials BEFORE, NOT after you’re stranded in bed
Keep Ibuprofen, cold and flu medicine, and some Pepto-Bismol on hand at all times.  Ice packs, band-aids, and Neosporin are always wise to keep around, too. Most of these can be found at Outtakes, The 5, and the Student Health Center on campus. It’s much easier getting these items when you’re feeling well.
DO make an appointment with the Student Health Center, NOT just show up
Chances are, you aren’t the only sick person on campus. Save yourself a lot of hassle and call ahead to make an appointment. Are you very sick and there aren’t appointments until next week? Ask about seeing the triage nurse, who takes very sick walk-ins. To make an appointment, call 225-578-6716.
DO stay in bed, DO NOT be that person
Know your limits. If you are contagious or just too sick—stay home. Nobody appreciates that person in the back of class coughing and sneezing. Your body will thank you and so will your healthy classmates. Check your syllabus and email your prof to see what you missed. (***This many not apply to exams—check your profs policy before you skip a test***)