Thursday, September 9, 2010


“It’s (LSU) a large university, but it can seem so small.” Devin Dabney

Devin Dabney, a computer analyst for LSU Residential Life can attribute many aspects of his life—including his career and wife - to being a part of the inaugural class of the Herget Residential College (Did you know it was the first ever co-ed hall at LSU?)

Try to keep up with this…..

Devin lived in McVoy Hall for a summer program the summer before his freshman year. There, he met a group of friends who all lived on the same floor in Herget together. In Herget, he roomed with one of his high school friends, who went on a date with a girl from the floor above them. Three years later, that same girl was Devin’s RA in the East Campus Apartments. Now she is his wife.

Back track to that same year, Devin came to know Monique, his Residence Life Coordinator (RLC). When Devin wanted to change his major to ISDS (Information Systems Decisions Sciences) he went to talk with Monique, who now worked with Res Life IT. She found a job for him working for the LSU ResLife Help Desk, which she oversaw. When he graduated, Devin took her position when Monique was promoted.

Is your head spinning? Mine is.....Here’s a handy little chart to help you figure it out....
I was able to find Devin in his office in Grace King and talk to him about life when he was a college student. Here's a recall of our conversation....

Can you give a brief introduction of yourself and what you do for Residential Life?
I am a computer analyst-- one of two in the department. I am the webmaster and work on door access and security. I also manage the Help Desk. The Help Desk is tech support for on-campus residents who need help with their Internet, viruses, and spyware.

You have been involved with the residence halls since you were a student. Where did you stay on campus?
I stayed in McVoy hall for a summer program the summer before my freshman year. I stayed in Herget Freshman Residential college my freshman year—it was the first ever co-ed place on campus and the first residential college. I then stayed in Highland and ECA.

What are some of your favorite memories?
Hanging out with friends. Always having someone to study with.

Why do you think it’s beneficial to live in the Residence Halls?
The support system—in Herget my Chemistry professor held office hours. There were tutors and mentors. Someone was always accessible.

What surprised you most about coming to LSU?
I learned it’s a large university, but it can seem so small.

What are the future plans for IT?
A new platform for the website. We want to integrate social media and be more involved with students.

Thank you for your time. Any advice for students?
Enjoy the time while you have it—it goes by fast.

For Devin, it all started in Herget Residential College, where will/did it start for you?

XOXO-- Girl in the Purple Polo

1 comment:

  1. It was a pleasure to share. You did a great job on the story.
