Thursday, February 10, 2011

9 Mistakes (Almost) Every Resident Makes

College is a time of learning-- both inside the classroom and out.  I've done a lot of learning since I've been here-- often times learning the hard way. Here's a list of simple mistakes to avoid that can save your time, money, and quite possibly your sanity.

1. Facebooking instead of socializing in the lobby: There are tons of great programs and people  in the lobby. It's easy to get in a rut of staying in your room—but get out there and meet some people IRL, (In Real Life) and enjoy all the food and events.(But if you are on Facebook, be sure to check out LSU Res Life for pics and updates.)

Evangeline residents enjoy musical chairs at the "Mardi Gras Mambo" program.

2. Eating like it's Thanksgiving everyday in the dining hall: The all-you-can-eat buffet style food is tempting, but instead of piling on every appealing food item, try to just pick one entrée and load up on fruits, veggies and a salad...okay, and a cookie for dessert.
A student enjoys the salad bar, one of many healthy options at The 5 dining hall.
3. Being afraid of your Resident Assistant: RAs get a bad rep in all of the movies and tv shows, but they are there to help you. Think of them as a big brother or sister—they are upperclassmen students who are trained to be there for you.
The 2010-2011 RAs pose for a picture after completing summer training.

4. Going to the UREC (University Recreation Complex) at 5:00PM in January I'm all for working out and being healthy, but nothing is as frustrating as mustering the will-power to go work out and the place being jam-packed. The Rec Center is open from 5:00AM until 11:00PM, so try going in the morning, early afternoon, or later in the evening to beat the crowds. Or, check out the free Group X workout classes available online, and work out from the comfort of your room.

5. Wearing Rainboots when it's clear and forgetting your umbrella in a monsoon: There's nothing worse than being stranded in Louisiana's ever changing weather with the wrong tools. It only takes a minute to check the weather. The halls have Internet and 75 channels of cable included, so take a second and prepare for the day. Or add an app to your phone, so you can stay in the know all day.

I should've checked the forecast on this sunny day.
7. Walking back to your hall at night alone: We've been lectured about this our whole life, but sometimes its inevitable. The quick fix? Take Campus Transit, a nightly LSU shuttle system that will pick you up from anywhere on campus and drop you off where you need to go. Keep the phone number programmed into the phone-- 225-578-5000.

Students stand by a campus transit shuttle-- a nightly "door to door" campus shuttle system.

6. Forgetting to Save and Have a Backup: I learned this lesson the hard way on this very blog, so I've added it to the list. You put tons of time and energy into projects and papers, so take the extra minute to save a backup of your work. Computers have the tendency to fail at the worst possible moment, and most professors won't take that as an excuse.

Save your work! Email large projects to yourself or a friend to have an online backup.
8. Not reading The Girl in the Purple Polo Blog: Cuz' where else would you get all of these wonderful tips and stories? (Okay, maybe I am a little bias.)
The author of your favorite blog! ;-)

9. Attempting to fix your own technology: No need to struggle with technology. Use LSU Reslife's IT department for all issues you may have with your Internet, laptop, or connections.

The students and staff in the IT department are there to help you!

I  hope you can use these tips to make your life a little easier. Have advice of your own? Leave a comment below or email me at

xoxo--Girl in the Purple Polo

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