Thursday, February 17, 2011

Finding Your Perfect Roommate

With the launch of LSU’s very first roommate matching program (to begin, you'll need log on with your PAWs ID,) I decided to add in a few tips of my own on how to find your perfect roommate match.  Everyone might initially think of important compatibility traits like messy vs. clean, or night owl vs. morning bird, but here’s a more in depth list of what I've found from living with roommates for four years.
Thermostat Control Compatibility: In my four years at college, I have heard more roommate drama about temperatures than anything else. See if your roommate prefers the space to be warmer or cooler. If you're vastly different, look for a solution that can be reached (like a fan, or extra blankets.) If not, run as far as you can or you may find yourself in a heated (cooled?) thermostat war.
Decide what you want in a roommate: Think about your expectations for your roommate. Do you want a best friend, with movie nights? Or simply want someone who will respect your space? It's good to evaluate what you're looking for, and to seek someone with similar expectations. 
Budget and Expectation Similarity: So you've found your new roomie, and everything is great. You already have your room coordinated and curtains picked out….Until BANG, it turns out your perfect roomie wasn't expecting what you were. Agree on room size(2 person? 3 person?), community (Some res colleges have specific major/requirements for both roommates), and expected budget beforehand.
 Friend vs. Potluck: As a tour guide, I get asked this question a lot. The answer? It depends. I've heard of best friends becoming enemies, and potlucks becoming best friends. Potluck is a great way to open your social circle and embrace a new experience. But, both sides have many pros and cons. Discuss the rest of this list with your bff, before making the big commitment.
Munchies and Snacks:  Discuss cooking/meal habits. If all of your roommates plan on the frozen meal diet, you might want to divvy out a set amount of space or bring your own mini fridge. Have a lot of food? Bring in extra storage-- like a plastic set of drawers or shelves to accommodate the snacks.
 Social Lounge or Oasis: Some residents like having their room as social hot spot for all of their friends and even group meetings. Others prefer their room to be a place to get away and relax. Look for a roommate who has similar social habits as you.
To Share or Not to Share:.Will it be "what's mine is yours,"  an "ask first," basis or a "don't even think about it" attitude.There's no right or wrong, but opinions on sharing vastly differ .Talk it over, and no matter what you decide, be fair and treat all possessions with respect.
Be realistic about expectations: My best advice for roommate success?  Be reasonable and realistic, and realize your roommate is human, just like you. Enjoy them for who they are, and keep open communication to avoid major conflicts.

Need help beginning your search? Check out the new roommate matching program. It works similar to face book, providing you the opportunity to view/message the profiles of your matches.

To use it, go to and click on the "roommate matching." It'll prompt you to log on to your PAWs account, and from their you can create your profile and find your match!

xoxo-- Girl in the Purple Polo

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