Thursday, July 28, 2011

Ten Weeks

I've been at LSU for ten weeks now. When I first planned on coming down here, I had no idea how quickly that ten weeks would go by. It doesn't seem like much time at all, now that it has passed, but it's all the time I have. You see, unlike most of you, I'm not here at LSU for a four-year degree; I am here for a ten-week internship, and today is my last day.

You may wonder who I am. I'll tell you a piece of my story. My name is Beth and I am a student at the University of Maine studying Higher Education. When I started looking for summer internships, I decided to find a completely new experience, so I applied with the Department of Residential Life here at LSU. I was selected for the position, and before I knew it I was on my way to Louisiana!

 Visiting the Louisiana Art and Science Museum in Baton Rouge

Now that my time here is coming to a close, I'd like to share some highlights from my summer. These are some of the things I enjoyed most about my time in Louisiana.

Mike the Tiger: I know I've mentioned this before, but I still can't get over how awesome it is that there is a real tiger living right on campus! Mike is a symbol not just of the athletics program here at LSU, but of what it means to be a part of the LSU community.

 Mike the Tiger chillin' in his enclosure

Greek Amphitheater: This is one of my favorite places on campus. The seating is great for a picnic or for enjoying a good book, and the paths through the trees around the theater are beautiful. I've really enjoyed just sitting here some mornings with a cup of tea and the newspaper. 

 LSU Greek Amphitheater

New Orleans: You can get from here to New Orleans on a bus for only $5, and it is more than worth it. I loved it there! You've probably noticed that I'm a bit of a geek, so I really enjoyed the historical elements of the city. Don't get me wrong, Bourbon Street is fun too, but I most enjoyed the architecture of the French Quarter, the Audobon Aquarium of the Americas (I got to hand feed a stingray!), visiting the cemeteries, and seeing all the places I had heard about for so long. I even got the chance to volunteer with the ARC of New Orleans. It was wonderful!

 French Quarter

The Gumbo Shop: Speaking of New Orleans, I had my favorite meal of the summer while I was there. Now, I have eaten a LOT of delicious food while I've been here in Louisiana- crawfish etouffee, red beans and rice, jambalaya, po' boys, catfish... you name it, I've tried it. While in New Orleans, I stopped into The Gumbo Shop for some lunch with a friend. I'm pretty sure that the only meal that could possibly beat that one is my mom's lasagna, and even that would be a close call (sorry, Mom!) I had a cup of crawfish and corn bisque and a roast beef po' boy. That was the best sandwich I have ever eaten- layers of rare roast beef, cheddar cheese, gravy, horseradish, lettuce, and tomato covered this sandwich. It was served with a pickle and potato chips. If you find yourself in New Orleans, you have to stop by and try one for yourself.

If you're in New Orleans, you have to get one of these!

Fireworks over the Mississippi: I can't tell you how awesome it was to watch the fireworks over the Mississippi. Sitting on the levee with hundreds of other people, listening to the sounds of the national anthem, hearing people yell in pride, and seeing soldiers and their families honored was very emotional. Times like that remind me how lucky I am to live in a place where I have the opportunity to travel thousands of miles for my education. I was reminded that regardless of where we are from, we have a lot in common.

Waiting on the levee for the fireworks to start

The people: Everyone here at LSU has been so kind and generous. They have gone out of their way to make sure I feel welcome. Their genuine hospitality has not only made me feel like a welcome guest, but has made me feel like I am a part of the larger university community. The staff and students I have worked with are what truly sets LSU apart. At the end of the day, a university is a university- they all have classrooms, outdoor spaces, and iconic buildings. Don't get me wrong- this campus is beautiful. But a pretty building doesn't make you feel at home; the people around you do. And the people here are exceptional. 

I can tell you from experience that coming to a new place is not always easy. Whether you went to high school right here in Baton Rouge, or have traveled thousands of miles to come here, there will be times that make you question your decision. Stick with it. Before you know it, you'll have made it a week, then ten weeks, then four years. You'll walk across the stage at graduation and think to yourself, "How did that happen?" You'll think back and reflect on what has passed- all the good times with friends and all the lessons learned about the world and yourself. You'll be a part of LSU, and LSU will be a part of you.

The time has come for me to pass the purple polo to someone new. Thank you all for a wonderful summer! Geaux Tigers!!!

xoxo-- Girl in the Purple Polo

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Sometimes it really is easy being green...

Hi reader!
Have you started packing for your move to campus yet? If you are anything like me, you have. And you have a very specific plan for how you are going to get everything you want to bring to school in your car. Trust me, I understand. I flew down here with only three suitcases- sure, one was dedicated almost entirely to shoes, but I still managed to bring clothes, towels, dishes, a hair dryer and straightener, an iron, and much more. I'm a packing Houdini.

One of the tricks to packing effectively is making sure that the things you bring are A. Things you really need (yes, I need all those shoes and my iron) and B. Things that have multiple uses. I didn't even think about bringing down my favorite fancy heels that only match one dress. Instead I brought the cute pair that goes with everything. That's efficiency, my friend. Another part of efficient packing (and living) is sustainability.

Okay, hear me out. I'm not one of those "go green" fanatics who has a vegetable oil car or anything. I admire those who can live in that way, and the technology behind green products can be really interesting, but I am a creature of habit. I still drink my skinny iced caramel macchiato from Starbucks every morning (don't judge- it's delicious and I can't function before 10am without it). I can't completely change my lifestyle, and I don't expect you to either. I am an avid believer, however, in doing the little things that we can, when we can, to live responsible lives. And the truth of the matter is that some of those "go green" tips actually make your life easier. Don't believe me? You should. Here are some things that will make packing and living in a res hall easier, all while contributing to a more sustainable lifestyle.

1. Get compact fluorescent bulbs for your lamps. I've lived in res halls for years, and I've learned that when you move lamps a lot, standard bulbs blow more often. The filaments just can't handle being jostled around in your car over and over again.  If you buy CFL bulbs, you won't have that problem. And they last FOREVER. Okay, not literally forever. But they do last up to ten times longer than a regular bulb. And they use about 75% less energy. See? Easier and greener.

2. Pack your stuff in reusable totes and storage bins. You can get reusable plastic totes inexpensively almost anywhere, in many shapes and sizes. You can get plain storage totes, sets of plastic drawers, totes designed to go under beds, and much more. You can use them not only to move, but as extra storage once you get to campus. I have a three drawer unit that I keep all of my toiletries and make up in. When I move, I tape the drawers shut and I'm ready. When I get to my new place, I don't even have to unpack it- I just pull the tape off and I'm good to go! You cut back on waste when you use reusable bins, make moving easier, and provide your room with valuable storage space. Sounds pretty good, huh? As an added bonus, an empty tote makes for a great recycling bin in your room- easy to clean, easy to store, and easy to pick up and take down to the recycling dumpster outside. And let's not forget, when it's time to move out you won't have to worry about finding boxes.

3. Bring a reusable water bottle to campus. This is way cheaper than buying cases of bottled water over and over again. Plus, who wants to carry a case of water up to their fourth floor room? Not me. You'll also be cutting down on your waste if you use a reusable bottle.

4. On the same note, bring reusable dishes to campus. Using paper plates and plastic cups is really wasteful. You can get dishes really inexpensively almost anywhere, and you won't have to take your trash out nearly as often.

4. Share things with your roommate. Especially appliances. You don't need two refrigerators, two microwaves, two coffee makers, or two TVs. Not only are you wasting money and energy when you each get all of these things, but you are wasting valuable space. The rooms here at LSU are very spacious compared to some others that I have seen, but they are still res hall rooms... if you share, you'll have more space to spread out, and that is priceless.

You do not have to be a martyr to live sustainably; there are simple things (like these that I've mentioned) that you can do to live a more sustainable lifestyle. In fact, making sustainable choices like these can actually make life easier, and save you money. Sounds like a good deal to me...

xoxo-- Girl in the Purple Polo

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Welcome to LSU, welcome home!

Hi everyone, I hope that you've all had a good week! 

Now that orientation is nearly over, I feel like I should offer some words of wisdom to those new tigers coming to LSU this fall, especially those who are out-of-state students. Many people have asked me "what do you think of LSU?" or, "how quickly do you think it will take me to get used to being here?" All I can say is that I've been at LSU for 8 weeks, and time has flown by. To be honest, when I first boarded my plane to come down here I was more than a little nervous. I was excited too, but I thought to myself on more than one occasion "What have I gotten myself into?" I guess I expected some mix of the traditional southern hospitality I'd heard about and Swamp People, but that's not reality. After two months, I've yet to meet ANYONE who talks or looks like the gator hunters from TV (though I'd be really excited if I did). I have met a lot of friendly, kind, generous people who go out of their way everyday to make me feel welcome here. I have tasted some of the best food I have ever eaten (and that's saying something, because I'm not shy when it comes to food). I've seen beautiful, historic places. I've been awed by the determination of people who, in the face of disaster, stood strong and carried on. I've learned that the politeness and hospitality we've all heard of is genuine, and not just the "I'll be nice because I don't want people to think I'm rude" attitude that I have experienced other places. 

Google Maps says this is how far away my house is... thank goodness I didn't drive down here!

I was lucky enough to spend the last four days in New Orleans, which was a lot of fun. When I got back to campus late last night, walked through my front door and thought, "It's so good to be home", I was a bit taken aback. I am from a town that is more than 1800 miles northeast of here, but I still feel at home on this campus, and you will too. Someone once told me that "the purple and gold gets in your blood"; they were right. Before you know it, you'll be spelling things that end in "o" with an "eaux", eating crawfish, saying "ya'll", and thinking that 60 degrees is chilly. You'll learn the traditions, learn to get from Tiger Stadium to your res hall without a map, and learn what it means to love purple, live gold. 

It's okay to be nervous and scared- trust me, I was and so is everyone else, but remember to hold on to your excitement too. You're not just going off to college, you're finding a second home. Embrace it. If you make a mistake, learn from it. Learn to balance fun and academics. Understand that your impressions and expectations may be wrong, and that's okay. Whether you're here for a summer internship, or here for a four year degree, enjoy your time at LSU. Before you know it, you'll be a true tiger.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Fun times in Louisiana!

I told you all last week that I had a friend flying in for the holiday weekend, and that we were going to take some time to enjoy Baton Rouge. Well, we had a great time! There are so many things to do that are inexpensive and fun! 

The first thing I did after picking my friend up at the airport was give her a campus tour. I showed her the stadium, the parade ground, the Greek amphitheater, and of course we stopped by to see Mike the tiger. Then, after a relaxing dinner at Chimes, we rested up for a busy Friday in New Orleans!

I had no idea that New Orleans was so close when I first got here! And did you know that you can take the LA Swift bus down for only $5?! It's a great deal. Since we had a car, we decided to drive though, and we even found a great parking space! Our first stop of the day was Cafe du Monde for some beignets. They were delicious! We then spent the rest of the day wandering around the French Quarter. There are so many shops and restaurants that we had a hard time choosing! We had a great lunch at The Gumbo Shop, which I highly suggest to anyone who is in the mood for some Cajun cooking. There was too much to do in one day, so we ended up coming back a few days later. On the second day, we visited St. Louis Cemetery #1 to see Marie Laveau's grave, and spent some time at the Audobon Aquarium of the Americas. We also got our fortunes told at the Bottom of the Cup Tearoom, which was a lot of fun! A trip to New Orleans is definitely a great way to get away and relax! 

 Beignets and coffee at the Cafe du Monde

Jackson Square in New Orleans

 "Taste of New Orleans" at the Riverview Restaurant- 
crawfish etouffee, red beans and rice, jambalaya, and gumbo

We also found a lot of cool things to do in Baton Rouge! We visited the Louisiana Art and Science Museum, where we saw historical costumes from several famous movies and watched an IMAX movie in the planetarium. After the museum, we were ready for lunch, so we walked over to the Shaw Center and enjoyed some sushi at Tsunami. The Ragin' Cajun rolls- made with fried alligator- were my favorite!

 Ragin' Cajun rolls at Tsunami

The Girl in the Purple Polo chattin' it up with Isaac Newton 
at the Louisiana Art and Science Museum

All that food and air conditioning left us feeling refreshed and ready to take on more of Baton Rouge, so we headed over to the Old State Capitol for a tour. It is a beautiful building full of information about Louisiana's political history, and you can tour it for free! After that we spent some time walking along the levee. The USS Kidd and Mississippi River bridge made for some great photos, and there was a nice breeze off of the water. We finished our day by making a trip to the Mall of Louisiana for some shopping.

 Staircase in the Old State Capitol

USS Kidd and Mississippi River Bridge

We took some time to drive out to the Houmas House plantation one day, which was a blast! The home was beautiful, but the coolest thing about it is that it is still used. The owner lives in the house, and guests are allowed to touch and try out the antiques. Our tour guide, Miss Judy, was hysterical, and offered a lot of fun stories about the property and people who have visited. Several movies have been filmed there, including Hush, Hush Sweet Charlotte and the upcoming installation of the Twilight series, Breaking Dawn. It was a pretty exciting place to see!

Tiffany lamp and antique desk still in use at Houmas House

On the Fourth of July, we went over to Blue Bayou for a day of fun in the sun! The water slides and rides were a great way to spend the holiday! It was so hot that all we wanted to do was relax in the water, and Blue Bayou was a great place to do it. Unfortunately, I didn't reapply my sunscreen as much as I should have, so now I'm the red-as-a-lobster girl in the purple polo, but we still had fun. That evening, we went downtown to the levee for the holiday festivities. There were concerts, food, drinks, and a beautiful fireworks display! It was was the perfect way to round out a great mini-vacation. 

As you can see, there is really no excuse to be bored in Baton Rouge. There are tons of things to do both on and off campus! The Fourth of July weekend was a great time to get out and explore, but most of the places we visited are open year round! What did you do for the holiday?

xoxo-- Girl in the Purple Polo