Thursday, March 8, 2012

How To De-Stress for Midterms!

It’s that time of the year again where midterms are coming up and the stress levels are high.  I did an exercise yesterday where I was told to take 15 minutes to write down things that I absolutely love to do.  I had to write down on separate strips of paper what can give me less stress.  Some of the things I wrote down were: coloring, buying something for myself, watching a funny movie, writing a note to someone, etc.  Afterwards, we put all of the pieces of paper in our own personalized jar we created. 
This is a great exercise you can do when you are extremely stressed.  Take a break and pull out just one slip of paper.  Whatever it is, stop what you’re doing, and do what the paper says.  They will all be things that you will enjoy because you wrote them down!

According to, here are some other ideas top 5 tips found helpful  on how to de-stress for midterm week:

1.       BREATHE! Sometimes we tend to forget to do this and can get frustrated.  When feeling this way, take a break and just breathe 

2.       Exercise.  You can go for a run or like me, a brisk walk!  This will help bring in more energy later for you to focus on studying.

3.       Make plans for the weekend.  When you plan fun things to do, it can bring a positive energy and bring excitement during a stressful time.  Reward yourself for the hard work you’re about to do!

4.       Write down ten things you feel you’ve accomplished so far that you’re pretty proud of yourself for.  Rereading your accomplishment can bring optimism and pushing forward with studying.

5.       Create a new Pandora Channel.  This is my favorite because there may be that one station of songs that you haven’t heard in a while which can bring you to a more relaxed state of mind.

If there is a program going on in your residence hall, take a break from studying and see what’s going on in your community.  It’s a great way to learn something new, possibly meet a new friend, and have fun!  Hope this helps and I wish you all the best with finals!!!

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